“Sometimes, the person you love the most is the one who hurts you the most.”

“You broke my heart in ways I never knew it could break.”

“I trusted you, but now your lies have shattered my soul.”

“In the end, I was worth nothing to you but a temporary distraction.”

“I wish I could erase all the memories we once shared together.”

“You said forever, but forever turned out to be nothing but a lie.”

“A broken heart is a constant reminder of our shattered dreams.”

“Loving you was the most painful mistake I ever made.”

“My heart aches for the love that was once there, but has now disappeared.”

“I feel empty and lost without you, even though you were the one who hurt me.”

“You made promises, but you couldn’t keep a single one.”

“I never thought I could feel so alone while being in a relationship.” FOLLOW YOUR HEART BUT TAKE YOUR BRAIN WITH YOU QUOTES

“The worst feeling is not being lonely, but feeling lonely while in a relationship.”

“Loving you taught me how it feels to be unimportant.”

“Every day, I pretend I’m okay, but deep down, I’m still hurting.”

“I hope one day, you realize the pain you caused and regret losing a love like mine.”

“I’m tired of being the one who cares more in this relationship.”

“My heart was not built to withstand the weight of your indifference.”

“I gave you my heart, but you gave it back in pieces.”

“They say time heals all wounds, but time hasn’t healed the pain you left behind.”

“You were my first love, but I don’t think you’ll be my last.”

“I thought we were meant to be, but it seems love was never enough for you.”

“One day, someone will love me the way I deserved to be loved all along.”