“Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they’re scattered everywhere.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a mirror, once it’s broken, you can never look at it the same way again.” – Unknown

“Some people are real in your life just to test how dumb you can be.” – Unknown

“A true friend sees through the fake smile and listens to the sad voice behind it.” – Unknown

“Fake friends: once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.” – Unknown

“Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.” – Unknown

“Fake friends believe in rumors; real friends believe in you.” – Unknown

“People may walk away from you for various reasons, but fake friends will leave for no reason at all.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like plastic flowers, beautiful when first received, but eventually they fade and wither away.” – Unknown

“A true friend won’t backstab you, but a fake friend will find an excuse for it.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the people closest to you are the ones who hurt you the most.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than surrounded by fake friends who always let you down.” – Unknown NEVER LET SOMEONE GO QUOTES

“Fake friends don’t care about you until they need you. Real friends care about you whether they need you or not.” – Unknown

“Fake friends show their true colors when they no longer need you.” – Unknown

“The worst feeling is when you trust someone blindly, and that person proves to be a fake friend.” – Unknown

“A fake friend is like a shadow, always close by, but never there when you need them the most.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones pulling the trigger.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like tigers, they act friendly but deep down, they’re ready to bite.” – Unknown

“You never lose friends, you just learn who the real ones are.” – Unknown

“It’s painful when the people you thought would always be there for you turn their backs on you.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like fireflies, they shine brightest in the darkness but disappear when the light comes.” – Unknown

“Fake friends don’t care about your feelings; they only care about their own interests.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by their pleasant demeanor, fake friends are just deceitful actors.” – Unknown

“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart. Fake friends are always close, but never really there.” – Unknown

“In a world full of masks, it’s a blessing to find someone who still shows their true self.” – Unknown