“No matter how hard I try, it seems like I’ll never be good enough.”

“I’ve reached a point where no matter what I do, it will never be enough for anyone.”

“The sadness of never feeling good enough can be suffocating.”

“I constantly compare myself to others and always come up short.”

“No matter how much I achieve, it will never fill the void of never feeling good enough.”

“The weight of never being good enough is crushing my spirit.”

“I’m tired of always falling short and never measuring up.”

“No matter what I do, I always end up feeling like a failure.”

“The constant fear of never meeting expectations is eating away at my soul.”

“I’m haunted by the feeling that I’ll never be good enough for anyone.”

“Being told you’re not good enough hurts, but believing it hurts even more.”

“My feelings of inadequacy have become a constant companion.”

“I’ve realized that I’ll never be good enough for myself, let alone for others.”

“The pain of never being good enough is a persistent ache in my heart.”

“Every time I make progress, I’m reminded of how far I still have to go.” QUOTES ON ATTITUDE IN ENGLISH

“The relentless pursuit of perfection has left me feeling like a perpetual disappointment.”

“The sadness of never being good enough hangs over me like a dark cloud.”

“I’ve come to accept that I’ll always be one step behind, never good enough.”

“No matter how hard I try, there will always be someone better.”

“The feeling of not being good enough follows me everywhere I go.”

“I’m tired of constantly seeking approval and validation, just to feel worthy.”

“The more I try to prove myself, the more I realize it’s an impossible task.”

“I’m drowning in a sea of self-doubt, always feeling inadequate.”

“No matter what I achieve, it never satisfies the hunger for feeling good enough.”

“I’ve struggled with this feeling for so long that it’s become a part of who I am.”

“The sad truth is, I’ll never be good enough in the eyes of everyone.”

“The weight of not measuring up is a burden I carry every day.”

“I’ve learned that seeking external validation only perpetuates the feeling of never being good enough.”