“The scars you can see are simply reminders of the battles you’ve won, not the battles you have lost.”

“Don’t hurt yourself because you’re hurting; heal yourself because you deserve it.”

“Harming yourself is never a solution; it’s a temporary escape from the pain that can only be cured by self-love.”

“The wounds that can’t be seen are the hardest to heal.”

“Your body is not a canvas for your pain; it is a testament to your resilience.”

“You are worthy of love, healing, and happiness, even in your darkest moments.”

“There is strength in vulnerability; seek help, speak up, and let others support you.”

“Your scars do not define you; they are a reminder of how far you’ve come.”

“The pain you feel today will eventually fade into the strength you possess tomorrow.”

“Your worth is not measured by the pain you’ve endured, but by the strength you’ve shown in overcoming it.”

“There is no shame in seeking help; it takes courage to heal.” GOOD QUOTES FROM A CHRISTMAS CAROL

“Healing begins when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and reach out for support.”

“You are not alone; there are people who care and want to help you heal.”

“No matter how deep your wounds, you are capable of healing beyond measure.”

“You are stronger than the urge to harm yourself; fight for your happiness.”

“Don’t let temporary moments of darkness overshadow the limitless potential of your future.”

“Your worth is not defined by your pain, but by your ability to rise stronger from it.”

“Happiness is not found in the scars you inflict, but in the love and acceptance you give yourself.”

“You deserve to feel joy, peace, and love; don’t let self-harm hold you back from experiencing life’s beauty.”

“You are not defined by your scars; you are defined by your resilience in healing.”

“Every wound that heals is a victory, reminding you of your strength and capacity for growth.”