“Sometimes the people we expect to be there for us will disappoint us the most.”

“Toxic friends are like emotional vampires, sucking the life out of you.”

“Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up, not drag you down.”

“A toxic friend will never celebrate your successes; they will only try to bring you down.”

“It’s better to have no friends than to have toxic friends.”

“Toxic friends poison your mind and heart, leading you astray from your true happiness.”

“Cutting toxic people out of your life is an act of self-love and self-preservation.”

“One toxic friend can do more damage than ten enemies.”

“You deserve friendships that are built on trust, respect, and love, not toxicity.”

“Toxic friends never apologize, they just continue to hurt you.”

“Don’t let the toxic behavior of others dim your light, surround yourself with those who appreciate it.” QUOTES ABOUT LEAVING FRIENDS IN THE PAST

“Toxic friends will always bring out the worst in you, making it nearly impossible to grow and evolve positively.”

“You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your mental health to keep toxic friends in your life.”

“Toxic friends will always leave you feeling drained, empty, and broken.”

“Realize your worth and cut the toxic ties that keep you from blooming.”

“Toxic friends have a way of making you feel guilty for their toxic behavior.”

“The most dangerous friendships are the ones that disguise themselves as supportive but are really just toxic.”

“A true friend will bring out the best in you, while a toxic friend will only bring out the worst.”

“You can’t change toxic friends, you can only distance yourself from them.”

“Sometimes we have to let go of toxic friends to make space for genuine connections.”