“I’m just a mess. I really am. And it gets worse and worse.” – Fiona Gallagher

“I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t be the glue that holds this family together.” – Fiona Gallagher

“Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to you is the best thing for you.” – Frank Gallagher

“I’m just tired of carrying everyone’s baggage. I need someone to carry mine for a change.” – Debbie Gallagher

“We’re not bad people. We just do bad things.” – Lip Gallagher

“You never really know what someone is going through. They may seem fine on the outside, but inside they’re falling apart.” – Ian Gallagher

“Life is meant to be lived, not just survived.” – Fiona Gallagher

“Sometimes it’s the people who are closest to us that can hurt us the most.” – Frank Gallagher

“Love can be the best feeling in the world, but it can also be the most painful.” – Lip Gallagher

“We all have our own demons to fight. Some of us just do it more publicly than others.” – Ian Gallagher

“I wish I could just be normal, but I’m not. And I’m tired of pretending.” – Debbie Gallagher BIBLE QUOTE ABOUT IRON ROD FOR SELF DEFENSE

“Sometimes the biggest secrets we keep are the ones we’re hiding from ourselves.” – Fiona Gallagher

“Hope can be a dangerous thing. It keeps you holding on when you should probably let go.” – Frank Gallagher

“We all make mistakes, but it’s how we deal with them that defines us.” – Lip Gallagher

“Life is a series of choices, and sometimes those choices lead us down paths we never wanted to travel.” – Ian Gallagher

“Family is supposed to be the people who love and support you, but sometimes they’re the ones that hurt you the most.” – Debbie Gallagher

“No matter how messed up our lives may be, we still deserve love and happiness.” – Fiona Gallagher

“Sometimes it’s the smallest acts of kindness that can make the biggest impact.” – Frank Gallagher

“We all have our own battles to fight. It’s just a matter of finding the strength to keep fighting.” – Lip Gallagher

“It’s okay to not be okay. Just remember, it won’t always be this way.” – Ian Gallagher

“Life is a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down, but it’s what makes us feel alive.” – Debbie Gallagher