“The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than within.”

“Do not wait for circumstances to change; change them through yourself.”

“The most beautiful moments in life are moments when we feel completely connected with nature, with another human being, or with ourselves.”

“If you think you are alone, you are just lost in your own mind.”

“Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s something that you create from within yourself.”

“Just because you’re feeling pain doesn’t mean you have to suffer.”

“Life is not about the destination, but the journey itself.”

“You don’t have to do anything to make yourself beautiful. When you are natural, you are beautiful.”

“You are not in the world; the world is in you.”

“If you are living the way you want, you are going to be joyful.”

“You will not be able to fix the world outside unless you fix the world within.”

“The most fundamental quality for success in life is absolute clarity of thought and action.”

“Your thoughts and emotions are your making; you are not a victim of life.” THE BEST POSITIVE QUOTES

“Suffering is not being able to handle the process of life.”

“Your happiness or misery depends upon your own mental attitude.”

“One drop of gratitude can change your reality.”

“Yoga is not just an exercise. It’s a path towards an ultimate expression of life.”

“The longing to be special is nothing but the ego.”

“If you do not work for what you truly care about, everything is hard.”

“The magic of life is not in achieving your goals but in making the journey worthwhile.”

“You can attain to the highest only when the existence becomes more important than yourself.”

“Before you think of changing the world, first transform yourself.”

“Attachment is the root cause of all misery.”

“If you cannot see yourself clearly, you cannot see anyone else clearly.”