“Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.” – Sadness

“I’m too sad to walk. Just give me a few… hours.” – Sadness

“I’m positive you’ll get lost in there.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to go back to Minnesota.” – Sadness

“I would cry, but I can’t… because I’m crying.” – Sadness

“I’ll never forget the day she arrived… and neither will she.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry, Riley. Since we’re moving, you won’t see your friends anymore.” – Sadness

“It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” – Sadness

“Nothing works. I’m too sad to taste.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Guess I’m just a little blue.” – Sadness

“You’ll get the hang of it. It takes a while for things to turn around.” – Sadness

“I’m not familiar with that emotion.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry, Joy. But it’s her core memory. Without sadness, she’ll never find the motivation to change.” – Sadness SHORT QUOTES ON SELF RESPECT

“I’m really sorry about how everything worked out.” – Sadness

“I can’t make her feel anything.” – Sadness

“Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry, Joy, but… I really don’t know how to be anything else.” – Sadness

“It’s my job to make sure Riley stays sad.” – Sadness

“I’m negative and I’ll sad everything!” – Sadness

“I don’t really care about that.” – Sadness

“I’m sorry I don’t know what that means.” – Sadness

“Sadness… Mom and Dad, the team. They came to help, because of sadness.” – Sadness

“Crying is the only thing I’m good for.” – Sadness

“I know you’re sad now, but give it time. It’ll pass. Joy will find you.” – Sadness