“Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” – Jean de La Fontaine

“Sadness is just another word for anger.” – Sara O’Leary

“Anger is just sadness turned inside out.” – Amy Efaw

“When sadness turns to anger, it’s like a storm inside your heart.” – Unknown

“Anger may be there to protect us from sadness.” – Grégoire Delacourt

“Sadness often turns into anger when we have no one to blame but ourselves.” – Unknown

“In the face of adversity, sadness becomes anger.” – Raquel Cepeda

“Anger is a symptom of sad feelings.” – William P. Young

“Anger is how sadness fights back.” – Unknown

“When sadness turns into anger, it’s like a fire that consumes everything in its path.” – Unknown

“Sorrow can turn to anger, but it takes time to heal both.” – Cassandra Clare

“Anger is the mask that sadness wears.” – Unknown

“Sadness isn’t the opposite of happiness, but rather the breeding ground for anger.” – Unknown

“When sadness becomes anger, it’s like a bubbling volcano waiting to erupt.” – Unknown

“Anger is the shield that protects us from acknowledging our sadness.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT LIFE AND PAIN

“When sadness transforms into anger, we become our own worst enemy.” – Unknown

“Anger is the outward expression of inner sadness.” – Jo Jewell

“Sadness can’t be fully suppressed, eventually, it will transform into anger.” – Unknown

“Anger is the voice of silent sadness.” – Unknown

“Sadness can sometimes manifest as anger because it’s easier to be mad than to feel pain.” – Unknown

“Anger is just the expression of deeply hidden sadness.” – Unknown

“The road from sadness to anger is a dangerous path we must tread carefully.” – Unknown

“Anger is the outward manifestation of inner sadness, a cry for help.” – Unknown

“When sadness morphs into anger, you know it’s time to heal.” – Unknown

“Anger is often the result of suppressed sadness.” – Unknown

“Sadness that turns into anger is a sign that healing needs to start.” – Unknown

“Anger is sadness turned outward, a cry for understanding.” – Unknown

“When sadness transforms into anger, it’s time to find peace within ourselves.” – Unknown

“Anger is just a coping mechanism for unresolved sadness.” – Unknown