“I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.”

“Where there is faith, there is love; where there is love, there is peace; where there is peace, there is God.”

“Love all beings and creatures, love even the smallest and most insignificant, for in them resides the Divine.”

“Do not be afraid, I am always with you, watching over you and protecting you.”

“Let love be the guiding force in your life. Love unconditionally, without expectations or limitations.”

“Have patience, my child, for all the trials and tribulations, for it is through these that you will grow and evolve.”

“Trust in the divine timing of everything. What is meant for you will come to you at the perfect moment.”

“Surrender your worries and fears to me, and I will comfort and soothe your troubled mind.”

“Do not judge or criticize others, for you do not know their journey or the lessons they are meant to learn.”

“Be kind and compassionate towards all living beings, for in doing so, you will find inner peace and happiness.”

“Choose love over hate, forgiveness over resentment, and understanding over judgment.”

“Believe in yourself and your abilities, for you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.”

“Help those in need, for in serving others, you serve the Divine.”

“Let go of attachments and desires, and find contentment in the present moment.”

“Be grateful for everything you have, for gratitude opens doors to abundance and blessings.” SELF POTENTIAL QUOTES

“Have faith in the unfolding of life’s journey, for everything happens for a reason.”

“Speak words of kindness and positivity, for your words have the power to heal and uplift.”

“Practice selflessness and put the needs of others before your own.”

“Nurture your relationships with love, understanding, and respect.”

“Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation.”

“Choose joy in every situation, for happiness is a state of mind.”

“Cultivate inner peace through meditation and prayer.”

“Be humble and treat everyone with equal respect, regardless of their social status or background.”

“Seek the truth within yourself and let go of all illusions.”

“Let go of the past, for it no longer serves you. Embrace the present and create the future you desire.”

“Do not let fear hold you back. Take bold steps towards your dreams and aspirations.”

“See the divine in every person and recognize that we are all interconnected.”

“Remember, you are a divine being, capable of extraordinary things.”