“I am beautiful! Boys will love me!” – Sarah Sanderson

“To die by your side, what a deliciously macabre way to die.” – Winifred Sanderson

“Hello, Salem! My name’s Winifred; what’s yours?” – Winifred Sanderson

“And then we’ll be young and beautiful forever!” – Winifred Sanderson

“Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!” – Winifred Sanderson

“It was all just a bunch of hocus pocus!” – Winifred Sanderson

“I smell children!” – Mary Sanderson

“I am calm! I am calm!” – Mary Sanderson

“We’ve been after children all our lives. And I can smell that you’re just a boy!” – Mary Sanderson

“We shall put a spell on them!” – Sarah Sanderson

“I want a child with a chiseled chin, and I can make his daddy dance!” – Sarah Sanderson

“We fly! We float! We bounce, and we go!” – Sarah Sanderson BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT FATHERS

“I suggest we form a calming circle!” – Sarah Sanderson

“You know, I’ve always wanted a child. And now I think I’ll have one… on toast!” – Winifred Sanderson

“Oh, how marvelous! More children!” – Winifred Sanderson

“Do you not know your own shadow, girls?” – Winifred Sanderson

“Come, dance with the dead!” – Mary Sanderson

“Now, what is the first ingredient I need for my potion? A child!” – Winifred Sanderson

“I’ll be thy lover; I’ll be thy lover till the end of time!” – Winifred Sanderson

“We’re home!” – All three Sanderson sisters

“I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine.” – Winifred Sanderson

“Oh, I don’t know, Billy. I always thought you were too mellow.” – Sarah Sanderson

“A virgin lit the candle!” – Winifred Sanderson