“I love how we’re such great friends that I can’t even remember why we became friends in the first place.”

“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.”

“A real friend is someone who will help you hide a dead body… or at least come up with an alibi!”

“I treasure the weekends because that’s the only time I get a break from your constant presence.”

“You’re the best at giving unsolicited advice. I don’t know what I would do without it.”

“Friends don’t let friends do stupid things alone, so I’m always there to join in on your stupidity.”

“You’re the only person I can tolerate for extended periods of time. Lucky you!”

“Our friendship is so strong that we can insult each other without taking it personally. How refreshing!”

“Having you as a friend is like winning the lottery – a lottery where I’m stuck with you forever.”

“Only a true friend would threaten to steal your pizza when you’re not looking.”

“It’s so endearing how you always manage to turn every happy moment into a sarcastic joke.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT WELLNESS

“Our friendship is like a dysfunctional family – weird, dysfunctional, but undeniably entertaining.”

“You’re the kind of friend who, if we were stranded on a deserted island, I’d leave you there and swim away.”

“You bring out the worst in me, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”

“Friendly reminder that I’m only pretending to listen and care about your problems.”

“Friends don’t let friends go through life without a constant supply of sarcasm and mockery.”

“So glad we can be brutally honest with each other. I mean, who needs sensitivity in a friendship anyway?”

“If sarcasm was a language, we’d be fluent in it by now.”

“You’re like a brother/sister to me, except I actually like spending time with you.”

“We’ve been friends for so long that we’ve officially surpassed the annoying stage and entered the eye-rolling stage.”