“Oh, sure, I’ll drop everything to help you with that incredibly important task you just remembered three seconds ago.”

“Working with you is always a pleasure… said no one ever.”

“I love how your incompetence always manages to make my job a little bit harder.”

“If there was an award for laziness, you would definitely win it. Congratulations!”

“Do you ever plan on doing any actual work, or is slacking off your full-time occupation?”

“I’m glad you get paid the big bucks for doing absolutely nothing. It must be nice.”

“Can you please show me how to pretend to be busy without actually doing any work? You’re a pro at it.”

“I can always count on you to bring absolutely zero contribution to this project. Thanks for nothing.”

“Your ability to take credit for other people’s work is truly impressive. I’m in awe.”

“I’m so lucky to work with such a brilliant mind like yours, constantly reminding me how not to do things.”

“Who needs a comedy show when we have you here to entertain us with your ridiculous ideas?” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR GIRLS ABOUT LIFE

“It’s amazing how you manage to turn simple tasks into such complex disasters. Truly a talent.”

“You’re like a black hole that sucks all the motivation and productivity out of the room.”

“If only your work ethic matched your talent for making excuses, you would be a real success.”

“Congratulations on finding the perfect balance between doing the bare minimum and expecting maximum recognition.”

“At least your incompetence brings some humor to the workplace. It’s the only thing that keeps us going.”

“You have an uncanny ability to make even the most straightforward task seem like brain surgery.”

“Working with you is like trying to herd cats. Chaos at its finest.”

“Your consistent lack of attention to detail is truly admirable… or not.”

“I can always count on you to make the workplace more interesting… in the worst possible way.”