“I want to play a game.”

“Let the game begin!”

“Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you.”

“Live or die. Make your choice.”

“The audience knows the truth. They’re watching our every move.”

“There’s a difference between restarting a game and resetting the game.”

“Your life is just a series of choices.”

“Death is the ultimate unknown.”

“It’s the choices that make us who we are.”

“Every step you’ve taken has been determined by others.”

“You can’t save everyone.”

“The human body is an amazing creation, but it also has its limitations.”

“The only way to survive is to embrace chaos.”

“The only person you can truly trust is yourself.” HEART TOUCHING QUOTES SAD

“Your life is slipping away one second at a time.”

“No amount of money ever bought a second of time.”

“Fear can make you do the most amazing things.”

“The only way to overcome your fear is to face it head-on.”

“Your survival depends on the choices you make.”

“Sometimes, we have to do the unthinkable to survive.”

“Death is a part of life. Embrace it.”

“Your life is a puzzle, and each piece holds a clue.”

“You must learn to appreciate the value of your life.”

“Your existence is a game, and I’m the puppet master.”

“Your life is a test, and only you hold the key.”

“The end is just the beginning.”