“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” – Brooke Shields

“Smoking is related to practically every terrible thing that can happen to you.” – Lorraine Bracco

“Smoking is a disgusting habit that will ruin your health and take years off your life.” – Zac Efron

“Quitting smoking is like getting a new lease on life.” – Jess C. Scott

“Smoking is highly addictive and extremely harmful. Say no to tobacco.” – Anonymous

“Smoking cigarettes is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich, you’re dead.” – Joe Jackson

“Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket and your health. Say no to smoking!” – Anonymous

“Smoking doesn’t make you a cool kid; it makes you a fool kid.” – Anonymous

“Don’t exchange your invisible crown for a deadly cigarette. Quit smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking is a costly way to commit suicide.” – Stewart Stafford

“If you don’t buy cigarettes, you save money and your life.” – Anonymous

“Smoking doesn’t make you look cool; it makes you look like a fool.” – Anonymous

“Your life is too valuable to go up in smoke. Say no to smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking kills love, health, and happiness. Say no to tobacco.” – Anonymous

“Don’t let cigarettes steal your breath. Quit smoking.” – Anonymous 27TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR HUSBAND

“Smoking is not just harming yourself, it also harms those around you. Say no to secondhand smoke.” – Anonymous

“Choose health over addiction; say no to smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking is a prison; quitting is your freedom.” – Anonymous

“Your life is worth more than a stick of poison. Quit smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking is a fool’s way to commit suicide slowly.” – Anonymous

“Smoking is not a solution; it’s a problem. Say no to smoking.” – Anonymous

“Cigarette smoke is a toxic fog that suffocates your health. Say no to smoking.” – Anonymous

“Don’t let cigarettes control your life; take control and quit smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking steals your money, health, and happiness. Say no to tobacco.” – Anonymous

“The only thing smoking gives you is a slow and painful death.” – Anonymous

“Don’t let cigarettes control your life; break free and quit smoking.” – Anonymous

“Smoking doesn’t make you tough; it makes you weak. Say no to smoking.” – Anonymous

“Quitting smoking may be tough, but it is worth it for a healthier and happier life.” – Anonymous

“Say yes to a healthy lifestyle and no to smoking.” – Anonymous