“I hope you suffer the way you made me suffer.”

“You’re nothing but a heartless monster.”

“I regret ever knowing you.”

“I wish I never met you.”

“You’re just a waste of space in my life.”

“I can’t believe I wasted so much time on you.”

“I hope karma pays you back tenfold for what you’ve done.”

“You’re a toxic individual, and I deserve better.”

“You’ll never find someone who loves you as much as I did.”

“You’re dead to me.”

“You’re a lost cause, and I’m done trying to save you.”

“You’ll never be happy because you don’t know how to love.”

“You’re a manipulative liar, and I refuse to be your victim anymore.”

“I thought you were the one, but I was wrong.” HOW TO TELL SOMEONE U LOVE THEM QUOTES

“You’re not worth my tears.”

“I can’t believe I let someone like you into my life.”

“I never want to see your face again.”

“You’re a disappointment.”

“You always destroy everything good in your life.”

“I hope you feel the pain I feel right now.”

“You’re just a selfish, self-centered person.”

“You’re incapable of empathy.”

“I can’t believe I ever trusted you.”

“You’re a constant source of negativity in my life.”

“You don’t deserve my love or forgiveness.”

“You’re a coward who can’t face the consequences of your actions.”

“You’re a heartbreaker, and one day someone will break yours.”