“I’m not scared of heights, I’m scared of widths.” – Steven Wright

“I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” – Woody Allen

“I’m not afraid of ghosts, I’m just afraid of what they do to my hair.” – Carrie Bradshaw

“I’m not scared of commitment, I’m scared of staying in a relationship where Netflix asks if I’m still watching after three episodes.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of flying, I’m scared of not flying first class.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of spiders, I’m just afraid of accidentally getting bitten and gaining superpowers.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of clowns, I’m scared of their makeup secrets.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of the dark, I’m afraid of what’s lurking in the dark waiting for me to turn off the lights.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of falling in love, I’m scared of falling into a Netflix binge-watch session and never leaving the couch.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of failure, I’m just scared of taking out a loan for my dreams and never being able to pay it back.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of ghosts, I’m scared of the electricity bill if they start turning on all the lights.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of dogs, I’m just afraid of tripping and falling on top of their 10-year-long supply of slobbery kisses.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of zombies, I’m scared of having to explain to them that I don’t taste good without any seasoning.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of public speaking, I’m afraid of forgetting my speech and accidentally improvising a stand-up comedy routine.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of old age, I’m scared of running out of excuses for not going to social events.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of roller coasters, I’m just afraid of getting stuck on a loop and living the rest of my life in a constant state of nausea.” – Unknown QUOTES ON THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

“I’m not scared of getting lost, I’m scared of having to ask for directions and admitting defeat.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of ghosts, I’m afraid of their unnecessarily high electricity bills due to haunting all night.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of snakes, I’m just scared of accidentally mistaking them for a trendy belt and trying to put them on.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of being alone, I’m afraid of accidentally talking to myself out loud in public.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of horror movies, I’m scared of having nightmares about them and waking up with a fear of spoons.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of sharks, I’m scared of their judgmental eyes when they see me wearing a speedo at the beach.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of getting older, I’m scared of looking back at my teenage photos and realizing how many fashion disasters I had.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of thunderstorms, I’m afraid of accidentally sleeping through my alarm because thunderclaps sound like snooze buttons.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of clowns, I’m scared of trying to have a serious conversation with someone wearing oversized shoes.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of bugs, I’m just afraid of them choosing my house to throw a surprise party in.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of ghosts, I’m scared of their terrible taste in home decor.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of getting lost in the woods, I’m afraid of accidentally joining a local woodland animal cult.” – Unknown

“I’m not scared of spiders, I’m just scared of their potential to form an alliance and overthrow humanity.” – Unknown

“I’m not afraid of heights, I’m scared of the inevitable wedgie I’ll get from a strong gust of wind.” – Unknown