“I can’t do it, so why even try?”

“I always fail at everything I attempt.”

“I’m not good enough for anything.”

“I’ll never achieve my goals, so why bother setting them?”

“I’m not smart enough to succeed.”

“I’ll never be successful because I’m not talented.”

“I’ll never find love because I’m unlovable.”

“I always make the wrong decisions.”

“I’m destined to be miserable for the rest of my life.”

“Nothing ever goes right for me.”

“I’m a failure and that’s all I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll never be as successful as others.”

“I’ll never be able to change.”

“I’m too old to start something new.”

“I don’t have what it takes to be successful.” THANK YOU QUOTES FOR WORK FRIENDS

“I’ll never be as good as others, so why even try?”

“I’ll never be happy because I don’t deserve it.”

“I always mess things up.”

“I’ll always be alone.”

“I’m too damaged to be loved.”

“I’ll never be happy because life is unfair.”

“I always attract toxic people into my life.”

“I’m a burden to others.”

“I’ll never be able to overcome my flaws.”

“I’ll always be a disappointment to myself and others.”

“I’ll never be good enough for anyone.”

“I’ll never be successful because I don’t have the right connections.”

“I’m doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.”