“I’m not clumsy, I’m just on a lifelong mission to test gravity.”

“I make great first impressions, and by great, I mean incredibly awkward.”

“I’m not lazy; I’m just a professionally trained procrasti… oh, forget it.”

“If there’s one thing I excel at, it’s overthinking every possible scenario.”

“I have a black belt in forgetfulness. I can forget things faster than I learn them.”

“I’m like a human alarm clock, except I snooze myself a million times before finally waking up.”

“I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least I’m good at opening jars!”

“I’m a master of sarcasm because beating people with a stick is frowned upon.”

“I’m a walking contradiction, which means I can disagree with myself even when no one else does.”

“I have a talent for turning simple tasks into a complete disaster.”

“I’m so bad at directions that even my GPS gets confused.” HEART BREKING QUOTES

“They say laughter is the best medicine, so I must be hilarious enough to cure the world.”

“I have a magnetic personality…unfortunately, it only attracts awkward situations.”

“My ability to remember song lyrics is inversely proportional to my ability to remember important dates.”

“If life gave awards for clumsiness, I’d be the reigning champion.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock; anxiety wakes me up each morning.”

“I may not be photogenic, but then again, most memories aren’t Instagram-worthy.”

“I’m like a Rubik’s cube: it’s easy to solve for anyone but me.”

“I have a talent for tripping over things that aren’t even there.”

“I’m more like a WiFi signal – unreliable and constantly fluctuating.”

“At least I can say that I’m consistent in making mistakes, it’s like my special skill.”