“I deserve nothing but the best.”

“I’m too important to wait in line.”

“I expect everyone to cater to my needs.”

“I don’t care about anyone else’s opinions but my own.”

“I’m entitled to special treatment.”

“I earned this privilege, so I shouldn’t have to share.”

“Rules don’t apply to me.”

“I am the center of the universe.”

“I deserve success without putting in the effort.”

“It’s not my fault, it’s always someone else’s.”

“I should always get my way.”

“People should be grateful for my presence.”

“I’m entitled to everything I want.”

“I shouldn’t have to apologize for my actions.”

“Everyone should worship and admire me.” MOTIVATION QUOTES ABOUT LIFE AND LOVE

“My needs and desires are more important than anyone else’s.”

“I deserve praise just for existing.”

“I’m entitled to constant attention.”

“I shouldn’t have to lower myself to help others.”

“I am superior to everyone else.”

“Nobody should ever criticize or question me.”

“I deserve special privileges because of who I am.”

“I don’t have to earn respect, it should be given to me automatically.”

“I should always be the center of attention.”

“I don’t need to apologize, I’m never wrong.”

“I don’t have to follow the rules because I’m unique.”

“I shouldn’t have to work as hard as others to achieve success.”

“I deserve the best of everything, always.”

“I deserve success without any setbacks or challenges.”