“Sometimes we hurt ourselves in order to feel alive.” – Unknown

“The pain I inflict upon myself is my own way of coping.” – Unknown

“I hurt myself to remind me that I can still feel something.” – Unknown

“Inflicting pain on myself is my twisted form of release.” – Unknown

“My body is a canvas of self-inflicted pain.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the pain we inflict on ourselves is the only thing that feels real.” – Unknown

“I hurt myself because I believe I deserve the pain.” – Unknown

“Self-inflicted pain is my way of punishing myself for my mistakes.” – Unknown

“The scars I bear serve as a reminder of my self-inflicted pain.” – Unknown

“The pain I inflict upon myself is my own personal brand of punishment.” – Unknown

“I hurt myself to mask the pain that is already within.” – Unknown

“Sometimes hurting ourselves feels like the only control we have left.” – Unknown FRIENDSHIP CANDLE QUOTES

“There is a strange comfort in self-inflicted pain.” – Unknown

“I inflict pain on myself as a way to feel alive in this desensitized world.” – Unknown

“The pain I inflict on myself is a reflection of the pain I feel inside.” – Unknown

“I hurt myself because I am addicted to the release it brings.” – Unknown

“Self-inflicted pain serves as a twisted form of self-expression.” – Unknown

“I inflict pain on myself because it is the only way I know how to cope.” – Unknown

“The pain I cause myself is my own personal battle.” – Unknown

“Self-inflicted pain is my way of punishing myself for my flaws and imperfections.” – Unknown

“I hurt myself because it is easier than facing the pain of reality.” – Unknown

“The pain I inflict on myself may be self-destructive, but it is also strangely comforting.” – Unknown