“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.” – Lucille Ball

“You are enough, just as you are.” – Meghan Markle

“Self-love is not selfish; it is necessary for your overall well-being.” – Unknown

“I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose.” – Unknown

“Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.” – Unknown

“You are the only person who can truly love yourself completely and unconditionally.” – Unknown

“Self-love is the greatest medicine.” – Unknown

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” – Unknown

“Self-love is not about being self-absorbed, it’s about being self-aware.” – Unknown

“Your flaws are what make you unique; embrace them with love.” – Unknown

“Self-love, self-respect, and self-worth are not selfish acts; they are necessary for a fulfilling life.” – Unknown

“You are worthy of love and all the good things that life has to offer.” – Unknown

“The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you’ll tolerate.” – Unknown BEST PAULO COELHO QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.” – Carrie Bradshaw

“You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to others.” – Unknown

“Self-love isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your happiness.” – Unknown

“You must love yourself before you can love someone else.” – Unknown

“You are beautiful, you are worthy, and you deserve all the love and happiness in the world.” – Unknown

“Love yourself unconditionally, just as you would love your best friend.” – Unknown

“You are capable of great things, and you owe it to yourself to believe in your own potential.” – Unknown

“Take care of yourself, love yourself, and always remember to put yourself first.” – Unknown

“You are deserving of love, always.” – Unknown

“Self-love is not a destination; it’s a lifelong journey.” – Unknown

“Embrace your authenticity and love yourself for who you truly are.” – Unknown

“You are not defined by your mistakes; you are defined by how you rise above them.” – Unknown

“Self-love is the foundation for a happy and fulfilling life.” – Unknown