“The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates

“Who am I, really?” – Anonymous

“The most important question we can ask ourselves is: ‘Who am I becoming?'” – Unknown

“What is the purpose of my existence?” – Unknown

“Why do I do the things I do?” – Unknown

“What do I truly want in life?” – Unknown

“What are my values and beliefs, and do they align with my actions?” – Unknown

“Am I living up to my full potential?” – Unknown

“What am I afraid of, and how is it holding me back?” – Unknown

“Am I making choices based on fear or love?” – Unknown

“Do I love and accept myself as I am?” – Unknown BEST QUOTE MAKING APP FOR ANDROID

“Am I being true to myself, or am I trying to please others?” – Unknown

“What do I need to let go of in order to move forward?” – Unknown

“Am I living in alignment with my passions and purpose?” – Unknown

“What is my intuition trying to tell me?” – Unknown

“Am I living a life that brings me joy and fulfillment?” – Unknown

“What impact am I having on others and the world around me?” – Unknown

“What is holding me back from achieving my dreams?” – Unknown

“Am I prioritizing self-care and self-love?” – Unknown

“Am I pursuing goals that truly matter to me, or am I chasing after societal expectations?” – Unknown

“What can I learn from my past experiences to create a better future?” – Unknown