“Before you point out the speck in my eye, make sure you remove the log in yours.”

“Nothing exposes a hypocrite more than their own words.”

“Those who are quick to judge are often the last to reflect on their own shortcomings.”

“It’s easy to preach righteousness; it’s difficult to practice it consistently.”

“Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue.”

“Don’t criticize others for the same faults you possess.”

“The greatest hypocrites are often those who pretend to be the most virtuous.”

“Hypocrites love to play the victim while inflicting pain on others.”

“Actions speak louder than words, and hypocrisy speaks even louder.”

“Self-righteousness is the armor hypocrites wear to conceal their flaws.”

“Hypocrites judge based on appearances, while the wise seek to understand the heart.”

“Beware of those who preach tolerance but practice intolerance.”

“The more a hypocrite condemns, the more they reveal their own hidden darkness.” SELF REFLECTION NOTE TO SELF QUOTES

“Hypocrisy is the mask worn by those who fear their true selves.”

“Hypocrites accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.”

“The biggest hypocrites are often the ones who claim to be the most righteous.”

“True righteousness is found in actions, not empty words.”

“A self-righteous hypocrite sees faults in others but blindly ignores their own.”

“Hypocrites pretend to be saints while they hide their sins behind closed doors.”

“Be wary of those who constantly point fingers; they likely have something to hide.”

“Hypocrisy breeds contempt and erodes trust.”

“The self-righteous hypocrite thrives in a world of judgment and condemnation.”

“Hypocrites excel at preaching what they don’t practice.”

“True humility escapes the grasp of the self-righteous hypocrite.”

“Hypocrites are like chameleons, blending in with their surroundings while hiding their true colors.”