“Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.”

“Inhale confidence, exhale stress.”

“Stress is not good for your soul.”

“Remember, most of your stress comes from how you respond, not what happened.”

“Less stress, more self-love.”

“Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” -Terri Guillemets

“Do not stress over things you can’t control.”

“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’.” -Eckhart Tolle

“Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” -Dalai Lama

“When stressed, set your intentions to be positively blessed.”

“Don’t stress the could haves, if it should have, it would have.”

“Don’t let stress steal your happiness.”

“Stress is caused by giving a damn.”

“Stress does not lead you anywhere positive.” I AM GODS PRINCESS QUOTES

“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

“Stress is temporary, inner peace is everlasting.”

“There is no point stressing over something you can’t change. Move on and grow stronger.”

“Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you’ve attached to something that is not true for you.” -Byron Katie

“You don’t have to control everything. Relax, breathe, let go, and live in the moment.”

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax and let your stress melt away.”

“Stress is like a glass of water. If you hold it for a few seconds, it’s not a problem. If you hold it for a few hours, you might have an ache. If you hold it for a few days, your arm will feel numb and paralyzed. The longer you hold it, the heavier it becomes. And that’s how stress is. If you carry it all the time, sooner or later you will break down.”

“Stress is the trash of the mind.” -Dr. Dan Baker

“Life is too precious to be spent stressing about everything.”

“Don’t stress the could haves, because if it should have, it would have.”

“Stress is the friction between reality and how you want things to be.”

“You can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you react. Stay positive and stress less.”