“Thank you, sweet Proteus, for bearing my truth.” – The Two Gentlemen of Verona

“To do a great right, do a little wrong, and curb this cruel devil of his will.” – The Merchant of Venice

“Be great in act, as you have been in thought.” – Macbeth

“Thank you for nothing but still I would say thank you.” – Much Ado About Nothing

“Thank you, good night indeed.” – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

“Thanks, my brave lover; noble soldier, thanks.” – Othello

“Thanks, sir; all the rest is mute.” – King Lear

“I thank you for your pains and courtesy.” – Richard III

“I humbly thank your Highness and her Grace.” – Henry VIII

“Thanks, sir; all the rest is banish’d.” – As You Like It

“The thanksgiving takes off the ground and flies like a wild-goose.” – Troilus and Cressida

“Thanks, sweet queen, arise.” – Antony and Cleopatra AMAZING HUSBAND QUOTES

“Thanks, noble peer! The cheapest of us is ten groats too dear.” – Henry IV, Part 1

“Thanks, cousin. Friends, I owe more tears to this dead man than you shall see me pay.” – Julius Caesar

“Thanks and good night to the Greeks’ general.” – Coriolanus

“Many thanks, I should have thanked you before.” – Cymbeline

“Thank you, dear Timon, wilt thou ever leave me?” – Timon of Athens

“Thanks, my brave friend.” – Titus Andronicus

“Thanks to you all, and leave us.” – Pericles, Prince of Tyre

“Thanks, sweet queen; all thanks to you.” – Henry VI, Part 3

“Thanks, noble fellow.” – Henry V

“Thanks, noble Titus, father of my life!” – Titus Andronicus

“Thanks, good Egeus. What’s the news with thee?” – A Midsummer Night’s Dream