“Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.”

“Bad karma doesn’t discriminate; it finds its way to everyone eventually.”

“Revenge may taste sweet, but karma is the ultimate dessert.”

“What goes around, comes around; don’t be surprised when bad karma bites you.”

“The universe doesn’t forget, bad karma will catch up with you.”

“You can’t escape the consequences of your actions; bad karma will find you.”

“When you play with fire, expect to get burned by bad karma.”

“Bad karma is like a boomerang; it always comes back to the sender.”

“Karma doesn’t miss a beat; it keeps tallies of your good and bad deeds.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of karma; it has a way of making you pay for your actions.”

“If you sow negativity, don’t be surprised when you reap bad karma.”

“Karma works silently, but its effects are loud and clear.”

“Choose your actions wisely, because karma is always watching.”

“Bad karma is like a shadow; it follows you wherever you go.”

“You can’t cheat karma; it’s a fair judge that delivers what you deserve.”

“When you harm others, you harm yourself; bad karma is the consequence.” ALWAYS BE HAPPY QUOTES

“Don’t let your ego blind you; karma has a way of humbling even the mightiest.”

“Karma teaches valuable lessons; unfortunately, some only learn the hard way.”

“Your actions have consequences, and karma is the enforcer.”

“Karma may take its time, but it will never forget its target.”

“Bad karma is the result of bad intentions; always choose kindness.”

“Don’t seek revenge, let karma handle those who wronged you.”

“The wheel of karma turns for everyone, no one is exempt.”

“Karma is a mirror; you get back what you reflect into the world.”

“The universe has a way of balancing the scales; bad karma is its tool.”

“Your actions today shape your karma tomorrow; be mindful.”

“Karma doesn’t discriminate; it treats everyone equally, good or bad.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of your words; bad karma may be listening.”

“Think twice before causing harm, because karma has a long memory.”

“Bad karma is the darkness you bring upon yourself; choose the light instead.”