“Family: where life begins and love never ends.”

“Having a family is like having a bunch of built-in best friends.”

“In our family, we don’t hide crazy. We put it on the porch and give it a cocktail.”

“Family: the people who know you best and still love you the most.”

“My family is temperamental – half temper, half mental.”

“Home is where the heart is, but running a close second is where my family lives.”

“A family that laughs together, stays together.”

“I was born into the wrong family. I should have been born into a group of circus clowns!”

“I love my family, but they drive me bananas. And sometimes, they eat all my bananas!”

“I come from a big family. The food chain is crazy. I’ve seen my mom eat leftovers from our cat!”

“Family: the only people who can embarrass you for life without even trying.”

“If you think your family is perfect, you just haven’t spent enough time with them.”

“I did not choose my family, but I choose to love them… most of the time.” I M SAD QUOTES

“My family is like a mini United Nations. We fight, we make up, and we have way too many opinions.”

“Family vacations are like reunions in Hell. But we laugh about it later… once the therapy bills are paid!”

“My family is dysfunctional, but the dysfunction is what makes us fun!”

“If you can laugh at yourself, you can laugh with your family. And trust me, I provide enough material for all of us!”

“Family is like fudge – mostly sweet, with a few nuts.”

“A family is a little world created by love.”

“No family is perfect, but ours is pretty darn close… to driving me insane.”

“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”

“I love my family more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot!”

“Family: where life’s greatest treasures are stored – love and laughter.”

“Family is the ultimate reality show – drama, comedy, and a whole lot of love.”