“Teaching is the profession that creates all other professions.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The only job where you can steal supplies from your job to bring home to your own kids and not get in trouble.” – Unknown

“Teaching is a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.” – Unknown

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

“Teaching is the art of building minds, not filling vessels.” – Unknown

“I became a teacher for the money and fame.” – Said no teacher ever.

“Teaching is my superpower, what’s yours?” – Unknown

“Teaching: The daily struggle between caffeine and chaos.” – Unknown

“Teaching is the only profession where you simultaneously give tests and take them.” – Unknown

“Teaching is a work of heart.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The art of knowing when to laugh, when to listen, and when to pretend you didn’t hear anything.” – Unknown

“I’m not a teacher, I’m a superhero in disguise.” – Unknown

“Teaching is the profession that creates all other professions… except for superheroes. They create themselves.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT VIDOMAIN_7

“Teaching is the ultimate exercise in multitasking. You talk, you listen, you explain, you demonstrate, you coordinate… and somehow you still have a coffee cup in hand.” – Unknown

“Teaching: Where chaos can turn into knowledge, and knowledge can turn into chaos.” – Unknown

“A good teacher is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.” – Unknown

“Teaching is the perfect profession for introverts – you get to hang out with a bunch of kids and pretend you’re in charge.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The only job where you have to watch your students’ videos on YouTube to stay up to date with their culture.” – Unknown

“Teaching is a roller coaster ride, and grading is the sudden drop you didn’t see coming.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The profession where you count down the days till summer break while simultaneously dreading the end of vacation.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The art of explaining the same thing in 10 different ways until someone finally understands.” – Unknown

“Teaching is like a cup of coffee – sometimes you need it strong and bold, sometimes you need it sweet and warm.” – Unknown

“I became a teacher because I love adventure… and by adventure, I mean surviving a classroom full of kids.” – Unknown

“Teaching: The only job where you can see someone smile, sneeze, cry, and throw a tantrum all within five minutes.” – Unknown