“You are my infinity, my forever love.”

“Our love knows no bounds, it is infinite.”

“Love has no end, just like our infinite connection.”

“Our love is a never-ending story.”

“Infinity is not long enough to measure my love for you.”

“Infinite love knows no limitations.”

“Our love is timeless, it goes on forever.”

“Love is infinite, just like the stars in the sky.”

“Our love is boundless, stretching beyond infinity.”

“I love you to infinity and beyond.”

“You are the infinity to my love, forever expanding.”

“Our love is an infinite journey.”

“I will love you for infinity and a day.”

“Our love is a beautiful infinity symbol.”

“Our love is infinite, like two souls intertwined.” GOOD QUOTES ABOUT LIFE LESSONS

“Infinity fills the space between us, representing our love.”

“Our love is unbreakable, an unending infinity.”

“Infinity describes us, for our love has no end.”

“Our love is a constant, an infinite force.”

“Infinite love requires no explanation, it just is.”

“Our love is an eternal flame, burning for infinity.”

“From here to infinity, my love for you remains.”

“Our love is infinite, just like the ocean of emotions it brings.”

“Our love stretches beyond eternity, it is infinite.”

“Infinity is not a distance, it’s a testament to our love.”

“Our love transcends space and time, it is infinite.”

“With you, my love knows no limits, it is infinite.”

“Our love is a melody that echoes into infinity.”

“Infinity is the symbol of our everlasting love.”