“Loyalty is not a word, it’s a lifestyle.” – Unknown

“True loyalty is giving someone the freedom to be themselves and trusting that they’ll always come back.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is earned, not given.” – Unknown

“True loyalty is never blind, but rather a conscious decision to stand by someone’s side, regardless of the circumstances.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is a two-way street. If I’m asking for it from you, then you’re getting it from me.” – Harvey Specter

“Loyalty is about people who stay true behind your back.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is when people say that they’re with you and then they stand by you.” – Unknown

“Loyalty means I am down with you whether you are wrong or right, but I will tell you when you are wrong and help you get it right.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is a commitment to someone or something that goes beyond the ups and downs of life.” – Unknown

“Loyalty isn’t about what you can get. It’s about what you can give.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is not just about the good times, but about staying dedicated during the tough times too.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is a quality that cannot be bought, it must be earned.” – Unknown SISTER QUOTES IN BENGALI

“Loyalty is staying true to someone even when they’re not around.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is when people believe in you more than you believe in yourself.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is rare. If you find it, keep it.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is a language of its own that only the heart can understand.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is choosing people who choose you.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is not just a word, but a bond that holds relationships together.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is not about who will stay with you when things are good, but rather, who will stay with you when things are tough.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is not a requirement, it’s a privilege.” – Unknown

“Loyalty means standing up for someone even when they’re not around to defend themselves.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is the willingness to give and receive honesty, trust, and support.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is like a rare gem; once you find it, cherish it forever.” – Unknown