Spanish: “Hasta la vista, baby.” – Terminator 2: Judgment Day

French: “L’important ce n’est pas la destination, c’est le voyage.” – Unknown

Italian: “La vita è bella.” – Life is Beautiful

German: “Ich liebe dich.” – Unknown

Portuguese: “Que seja eterno enquanto dure.” – Unknown

Russian: “Все будет хорошо.” – Everything will be fine.

Japanese: “一期一会” – Once in a lifetime.

Chinese: “千里之行,始於足下” – The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Arabic: “ان الله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين” – God does not neglect the reward of the good-doers.

Hindi: “कायर कहते हैं वो मोर्चवाला है, जो पलट देता है!” – The coward called him a turncoat, who changes sides!

Greek: “Μεγάλα αγέλαστα πνεύματα συναντώνται δυσκολία” – Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition.

Swedish: “Förändra dina tankar och du förändrar världen.” – Change your thoughts and you change the world.

Danish: “Små dråber kan fylde et bæger.” – Small drops can fill a cup.

Dutch: “Beter een goede buur dan een verre vriend.” – A good neighbor is better than a distant friend. QUOTES THAT ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP GOING

Polish: “Nadzieja umiera ostatnia.” – Hope dies last.

Turkish: “Sabahın köründe uyanmak.” – To wake up at the crack of dawn.

Korean: “생각의 방향이 인생의 방향을 결정한다.” – The direction of one’s thoughts determines the direction of their life.

Finnish: “Elämä on kuin polkupyörä, jotta tasapainossa pysyisi, on poljettava eteenpäin.” – Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance, you must keep moving forward.

Czech: “Kde se kacíři spálí, tam se také čarodějnice spálí.” – Where heretics are burned, witches shall be burned too.

Hungarian: “Akinek a pénze van, annak van hatalma.” – Money brings power.

Norwegian: “Bedre å være føre var enn etter snar.” – Better to be too cautious than too hasty.

Vietnamese: “Cuộc sống là khoảng trống giữa hai chết.” – Life is the moment between two deaths.

Romanian: “Iubește-ți aproapele ca pe tine însuți.” – Love your neighbor as yourself.

Hebrew: “עמי, צורי” – My nation, remember.

Icelandic: “Það er alveg nógu að vera ekki eins og allir hinir.” – It’s perfectly enough to not be like everyone else.

Filipino: “Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.” – Whoever does not look back at where they came from will not reach their destination.