“Unity is strength.” – Mattie Stepanek

“In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength.” – Maya Angelou

“Together we stand, divided we fall.” – Aesop

“Solidarity is not a matter of sentiment but a fact, cold and impassive as the granite foundations of a skyscraper.” – Eugene V. Debs

“Solidarity is the tenderness of the people.” – Che Guevara

“We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Solidarity is not an act of charity, but an act of mutual aid between allies fighting for the same objectives.” – Samora Machel

“Solidarity is the only way forward in a world that seems to be falling apart.” – Desmond Tutu

“When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.” – Ethiopian Proverb

“Solidarity is the foundation upon which we build a better world.” – Nelson Mandela

“Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time.” – Ron Hall

“Solidarity is not just a word, it’s a lifestyle.” – Unknown

“Solidarity means that we are bound together in our common humanity.” – Haniel Long

“Solidarity is a revolutionary weapon.” – Rosa Luxemburg

“Solidarity is the fire that burns down the walls of injustice.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the fuel that powers the engine of progress.” – Unknown CUTE QUOTES ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND BEING YOUR BEST FRIEND

“Solidarity is not a luxury, but a necessity for survival.” – Margaret Mead

“Solidarity is the thread that weaves the fabric of a just society.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the antidote to division.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the bridge that connects individuals to a greater cause.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the harmony of shared values and common goals.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the glue that holds communities together.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the power of the people united.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the language of love and empathy.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the foundation of a fair and equitable world.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the key to unlocking the door to social change.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the spark that ignites the flames of justice.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the song that echoes in the hearts of those who stand together.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the heartbeat of a compassionate society.” – Unknown

“Solidarity is the light that guides us through the darkest times.” – Unknown