“Shoulders are what give us strength to carry on.” – Unknown

“Strong shoulders can carry the weight of the world.” – Unknown

“The higher the mountain, the stronger the shoulders need to be.” – Unknown

“Shoulders are meant for greatness, not for burden.” – Unknown

“A strong shoulder can provide comfort for others.” – Unknown

“Your shoulders can be a pillar of support for those in need.” – Unknown

“Shoulders are the pillars that hold up our dreams.” – Unknown

“Building powerful shoulders requires discipline and dedication.” – Unknown

“Shoulders are the ultimate symbol of strength.” – Unknown

“Shoulder day is the day that separates the champions from the rest.” – Unknown

“The pain in your shoulders is just weakness leaving your body.” – Unknown

“Work hard, lift heavy, and sculpt those shoulders.” – Unknown

“Shoulder day is the best day to show off your gains.” – Unknown

“Strong shoulders make your silhouette look powerful and confident.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT READING FOR KIDS

“Shoulder workouts are a test of your determination.” – Unknown

“Shoulders are the gateway to a well-rounded physique.” – Unknown

“Shoulder day is not for the faint-hearted. It’s for the warriors.” – Unknown

“Your shoulders are the bridge between your upper body and lower body strength.” – Unknown

“Focus on form, strength will follow.” – Unknown

“Great shoulders are not born, they are built.” – Unknown

“Shoulder workouts should never be easy. Challenge yourself every time.” – Unknown

“Keep your shoulders strong, your head high, and your spirits soaring.” – Unknown

“There’s no pain in the shoulders that will not make you grow stronger.” – Unknown

“Shoulders are the wings that allow us to fly towards our fitness goals.” – Unknown

“Work on your shoulders, and watch your confidence soar.” – Unknown

“The only way to shoulder greatness is by putting in the work.” – Unknown