“Having a brother means having a built-in best friend… or worst enemy, depending on the day.”

“Growing up with a brother means always having someone to blame for everything.”

“Brothers are like superheroes; they may annoy you, but they’ll always have your back.”

“Having a brother is like having a personal bodyguard, minus the salary.”

“I smile because you’re my brother. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Having a brother makes childhood memorable and adulthood unforgettable.”

“Brothers: the only people who can annoy you and protect you at the same time.”

“Brothers: they know how to push your buttons… because they installed them.”

“When life gets tough, remember you always have a brother to blame.”

“Having a brother is like having a live-in comedian who thinks he’s funnier than he actually is.”

“Beware of the brother who casually says, ‘trust me.’ You’ll end up with duct tape and a cardboard box challenge.” NON FAMOUS QUOTES

“You can always count on a brother to say something inappropriate at just the right time.”

“Brothers: they may drive you crazy, but at least you’re never bored.”

“Having a brother means never having to look too far for someone to share embarrassing childhood stories with.”

“Brothers: the only people who can make you laugh and want to strangle them simultaneously.”

“Growing up with a brother means there’s never a dull moment… but plenty of bruises.”

“Having a brother means having a constant reminder of what not to do in life.”

“Brothers: the original partners in crime, chaos, and occasional acts of brilliance.”

“Having a brother means always having a scapegoat for any mischief you may have caused.”

“Brothers: they’re the reason we count our blessings daily… and occasionally our bruises.”

“Behind every great sibling rivalry, there’s a bond that can never be broken.”