“Sometimes, you have to stop putting in effort for people who constantly fail to appreciate it.”

“Don’t waste your time and energy on people who don’t value your efforts.”

“There comes a point when you realize that you’ve given enough and it’s time to walk away.”

“You can’t keep giving your all to people who only take and never give back.”

“Sometimes, the best effort you can make is to let go and move on.”

“Sick of making effort for people who don’t even bother to show up.”

“You deserve better than constantly trying to please those who don’t care.”

“Invest your effort where it will be appreciated, not wasted.”

“The moment you stop making effort for those who don’t deserve it is the moment you start valuing yourself.”

“Never exhaust yourself trying to prove your worth to someone who can’t see it.”

“You can’t force someone to appreciate your efforts; they either do, or they don’t.”

“If someone consistently makes you feel like your effort isn’t enough, perhaps it’s time to stop trying.”

“Don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted by those who don’t recognize your worth.” LOYALTY QUOTES SHORT

“Invest your effort where it is reciprocated, not where it goes unnoticed.”

“You shouldn’t have to convince someone to appreciate the effort you make for them.”

“When the effort you put in outweighs the value you receive, it’s time to reassess the situation.”

“Your energy is precious; don’t waste it on those who don’t deserve it.”

“You can’t continue to pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself first.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to be alone than to keep trying for someone who never meets you halfway.”

“Enough is enough; stop making effort for those who don’t appreciate it.”

“Don’t let the fear of being alone keep you trapped in relationships where your efforts are unappreciated.”

“Your time and effort are valuable; don’t waste them on the wrong people.”

“Making effort for someone who doesn’t appreciate it is like watering a dead plant.”

“Remember, your worth isn’t determined by the effort you make for others; it’s determined by how you value yourself.”