“A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.” – Hannibal Lecter

“It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.” – Buffalo Bill

“The night is a time for hunting, Clarice. Don’t let him come into your world.” – Hannibal Lecter

“People will say we’re in love.” – Clarice Starling

“I’m having an old friend for dinner.” – Hannibal Lecter

“Well, Clarice – have the lambs stopped screaming?” – Hannibal Lecter

“I do wish we could chat longer, but I’m having an old friend for dinner.” – Hannibal Lecter

“We begin by coveting what we see every day.” – Hannibal Lecter

“When the Fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin’, but not to help.” – Hannibal Lecter

“I can smell your cunt.” – Hannibal Lecter

“Haven’t you had enough cops lying to you?” – Dr. Frederick Chilton

“You know what you looked like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You looked like a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition’s given you some length of bone, but you’re not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling?” – Hannibal Lecter

“Love your suit!” – Dr. Frederick Chilton GANGSTER QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“Evil’s just destructive. It has no purpose. But, you can’t deny, that it’s also kind of… fun.” – Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill)

“I’m not a moron, just a little bit confused.” – Clarice Starling

“We covet what we see, Clarice.” – Hannibal Lecter

“The world is more interesting with you in it.” – Hannibal Lecter

“We begin by coveting what we see every day, don’t we?” – Hannibal Lecter

“Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?” – Hannibal Lecter

“I want my mommy! I want my mommy!” – Catherine Martin

“You fly back to school, now, little Starling. Fly, fly, fly. Fly away. Bye bye.” – Hannibal Lecter

“There are no more obstacles for me, Clarice. You and Dr. Lecter can have the day.” – Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill)

“Tell me, Clarice, would you ever say to me ‘Stop. If you loved me, you’d stop?'” – Dr. Hannibal Lecter

“I do wish we could chat longer, but… I’m having an old friend for dinner. Bye.” – Hannibal Lecter