“Having a sister means you have a built-in best friend who is always up for some mischief.”

“Sisters are like a combination of a best friend and a personal comedian.”

“Sisters are like cats, they bring joy to your life but also love to annoy you when you least expect it.”

“A sister is someone who knows all your secrets and still loves you… or at least blackmails you with them.”

“Sister: a person who will always annoy you but love you unconditionally.”

“Sisters are like the perfect mix of sugar, spice, and sarcasm.”

“I smile because you’re my sister, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Sisters: the most effective secret keepers and the most dangerous pranksters.”

“Growing up with a sister is like living in a comedy show every day.”

“Having a sister means having a partner in crime for every silly endeavor.”

“My sister and I may not always get along, but we will always love each other… from a distance.”

“Sisters are like firecrackers – they bring vibrant colors and may occasionally explode.”

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost, even in adulthood.”

“Having a sister means always having someone to blame when things go wrong.”

“Sisters are like snowflakes – each one is unique and they can be quite cold sometimes.” SUPRABHAT QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“If anyone messes with my sister, they better be ready for a whole lot of sass and fury.”

“Sisterhood is an eternal bond held together by a shared love for teasing and torturing one another.”

“You annoy me like no one else, and yet, I still adore you like no one else.”

“Friends may come and go, but sisters are forever… stuck with each other.”

“Sisterhood is like a marriage without the option of divorce.”

“Having a sister means having a lifetime supply of blackmail material.”

“If sisters were superheroes, our special powers would be sarcasm and laughter.”

“My sister is my favorite person to annoy and my favorite person to turn to when I need a good laugh.”

“Having a sister is like having a permanent audience for all your embarrassing moments.”

“Sisters are like mirrors – they can reflect your flaws but also make you see the best version of yourself.”

“Having a sister is like having a live-in stand-up comedian who makes you laugh even when you don’t want to.”

“A sister is someone who can drive you crazy but also make you feel loved in the craziest way.”

“Sisterhood is an unbreakable bond that survives all the fights, tears, and stolen clothes.”

“Being a sister means being the cause of half the laughter and half the mischief in each other’s lives.”