“My original plan was to become rich and famous, but then I realized being a teacher was way more rewarding… and I still get to boss children around.”

“Every day we face challenges, but remember, sister Michael can handle anything with a stiff drink and a strong prayer.”

“If you can’t find the silver lining, just polish the hell out of whatever’s left.”

“Teaching is like a rollercoaster ride, but instead of screaming, you just have to keep a straight face and pretend you’re in control.”

“The secret to a successful class is the perfect balance between terrifying students and making them laugh.”

“Sure, I may have a heart of stone, but at least it’s a fashionable one.”

“I don’t play favorites in my classroom; I equally dislike all my students.”

“Teaching is an art form, and just like Picasso, I create masterpieces out of chaos.”

“Sometimes I wonder why I became a teacher, and then I remember it’s because I love the sound of my own voice.”

“Education is important, but let’s be real – it’s also a great way to get paid summers off.”

“I have two moods: ‘tired’ and ‘ready for a nap.'” FAMILY THAT PLAYS TOGETHER QUOTES

“My students keep me on my toes, mainly because they’re always trying to push me over.”

“Teaching is like solving a Rubik’s Cube – sometimes I feel like I’m close to getting it right, and other times it’s a colorful mess.”

“I’m a firm believer in ‘do as I say, not as I do.'”

“People say patience is a virtue, but no one warns you how exhausting it can be.”

“In my classroom, sarcasm is the official language.”

“I may not be a superhero, but I have the power to make kids cry with just a glare.”

“If teaching doesn’t pan out, I always have stand-up comedy as a backup plan.”

“The best way to teach is by example, and my example is usually how not to do things.”

“Every time a student says ‘I can’t do it,’ I see it as a challenge to prove them wrong.”