“I would rather hustle 24/7 than slave away 9 to ”

“Sleep less, accomplish more.”

“The early bird gets the worm, but the night owl builds the empire.”

“Dream big, sleep little.”

“Success comes to those who burn the midnight oil.”

“Don’t count the hours, make the hours count.”

“Snoozers are losers.”

“Work while they sleep, succeed while they party.”

“Sleeping is for dreamers, working is for achievers.”

“Success never sleeps, so why should I?”

“I’d rather be tired from working hard than tired of not trying.”

“Sleep is for the weak, the ambitious choose to work.”

“While others rest, the determined invest.”

“Success is earned, not given. Give up sleep, not dreams.”

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead, but until then, I’ll keep working.” QUOTES ABOUT FEMALES TAKING YOUR MAN AROUND THEIR OTHER FRIENDS

“Work like there is no tomorrow, sleep like you don’t need it.”

“Sleep less, achieve more.”

“Quit wishing for success, start working for it – even if it means sleepless nights.”

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, nobody can stop you – not even sleep.”

“The price of success is huge, but the price of mediocrity is even bigger. Choose wisely, even if it means sacrificing sleep.”

“Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise – even if it means sleepless nights.”

“Success is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice. Choose to dedicate more time to work than to sleep.”

“Sleep less, build more.”

“Never underestimate the power of a sleepless mind – it can achieve extraordinary things.”

“Your dreams are worth more than a few hours of sleep. Keep working, keep pushing, keep hustling.”

“Success doesn’t have a snooze button. Wake up early and grind harder.”

“One less hour of sleep means one more step towards success.”

“Sleep is for those who fear to chase their dreams. Rise and work towards what truly matters to you.”

“Work like a champion, sleep like a baby. Put in the effort now and enjoy the rewards later.”