“Sleeping is the only escape I have from this sad reality.”

“Tears are the only lullaby that can put me to sleep tonight.”

“Sleeping allows me to temporarily forget the pain and sorrow that fills my days.”

“The bed becomes my refuge, where I can drown my sorrows in dreams.”

“Sleeping is the only solace I can find in this lonely night.”

“Even in my sleep, the sadness haunts my dreams.”

“Sleeping is like a temporary death, a break from the heavy burden of sadness.”

“Sleeping the pain away, hoping to wake up to a brighter tomorrow.”

“In dreams, I can escape the sadness that engulfs me in my waking hours.”

“Sleeping is my only relief from the constant battle with my own thoughts.”

“The silent tears I shed become the lullaby that puts me to sleep.” QUOTES FOREVER

“Sleeping, the only time I am truly at peace, away from all the sadness.”

“In sleep, I can finally let go and allow the tears to flow freely.”

“Sleeping is like a temporary death, a sweet escape from the reality of sadness.”

“The darkness of night matches the depth of my sadness as I drift off to sleep.”

“Sleeping is the only time I can pretend to be happy, even if it’s just in dreams.”

“Sleeping, the bittersweet escape from the harsh reality of sadness.”

“In sleep, I find peace, if only for a few precious hours.”

“Sleeping, the refuge I seek when the weight of sadness becomes too much to bear.”

“As I close my eyes, the weight of sadness becomes heavier, even in sleep.”

“Sleeping is the only time I can forget the pain, if only for a short while.”