“My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are sword, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!” – Smaug

“Beneath the mountain, dark and tall, the King has come unto his hall! His foe is dead, the dragon’s dread, and leaves have shaken in the wind.” – Smaug

“I am fire! I am death!” – Smaug

“A thief in the shadows… I smell you.” – Smaug

“Do you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it!” – Smaug

“You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule… the Arkenstone!” – Smaug

“I am the King under the Mountain! This is my dominion, my fortress, my treasure!” – Smaug

“The halls of stone are my domain. I am the protector of Erebor!” – Smaug

“Long, long, shall my battle cry be heard! From deepest depths to highest peaks, I shall reign supreme!” – Smaug

“You cannot escape! I am swift, powerful, and cunning. Your fate is sealed!” – Smaug

“Do you think you comprehend my power? You insignificant creature!” – Smaug

“I am cunning, and my wits are as sharp as my teeth. You cannot outsmart me!” – Smaug

“My scales are impenetrable, my wrath unstoppable. You shall tremble before me!” – Smaug GREEDY FAMILY QUOTES

“The air around you grows heavy with fear. I revel in your terror.” – Smaug

“I see your every move, your every thought. There is no hiding from me.” – Smaug

“I will not be tricked by your charm or fooled by your illusions. I see through your deceit!” – Smaug

“Your voice trembles as you speak. Do you fear me? You should.” – Smaug

“Do not dare to challenge me, for I am the master of all I survey!” – Smaug

“I am an ancient creature, older than time itself. I have seen civilizations rise and fall. You are but a mere blip on the tapestry of history.” – Smaug

“Your courage is commendable, but it is no match for my strength.” – Smaug

“I will reduce your city to ashes, your people to dust. None shall escape my wrath!” – Smaug

“You have come to steal from me, to take what is rightfully mine. But I will not let you succeed!” – Smaug

“Your arrows are like needles, your swords mere toys. I mock your feeble attempts at combat.” – Smaug

“There is no escape, no hope. You are trapped, and I am the hunter.” – Smaug

“I have watched kingdoms rise and fall, but I shall endure. I am the dragon, eternal and fierce!” – Smaug