“I never thought the day would come when my introverted friend’s lifestyle became the norm.”

“Social distancing: where I train for my future career as a hermit.”

“Social distancing is the perfect excuse to avoid small talk with strangers.”

“Me practicing social distancing: ‘Stand back, I have a black belt in staying away from people.'”

“When the social distancing rules end, can we still socially distance from annoying people?”

“Introverts: finally, the world is speaking our language – stay away, don’t touch!”

“Social distancing makes me realize that I’ve been preparing for this my whole life as a master of avoiding human interaction.”

“Introverts: social distancing is like a dream come true. Extroverts: hold my beer and stand six feet away.”

“I never thought I would say this, but I miss hugging people like a door misses being slammed.”

“Social distancing is giving me a chance to really explore the depths of my laziness.”

“The only thing I’m spreading these days is my questionable sense of humor.”

“Social distancing made me realize that I am an expert in the art of avoiding awkward conversations.” FED UP FAMILY QUOTES

“The only thing I want to catch these days is a glimpse of someone smiling behind their mask.”

“Being six feet apart has made me realize how short people actually are.”

“Social distancing has turned me into a dog – constantly excited when someone comes near and wildly wagging my tail.”

“Quarantine life update: I’ve officially become my cat’s personal entertainer.”

“Social distancing has sparked a fierce competition among introverts to see who can go the longest without talking to another human.”

“The real struggle of social distancing is trying to resist the urge to lick your fingers after eating hot Cheetos.”

“I finally perfected my socializing skills – via Zoom, of course.”

“Is it weird that social distancing has made me a better dancer? I do the ‘six-feet-apart shuffle’ like nobody’s business.”

“The only positive thing about social distancing is that my personal space bubble has finally expanded to its full potential.”

“Who knew that staying away from people could become an Olympic sport? I’ve been training my whole life for this!”