“I’m on so many social media platforms that I could be considered a professional scroller.”

“I don’t need a personal trainer, I need someone to follow me around and slap unhealthy snacks out of my hand every time I try to post a food pic on Instagram.”

“Taking a selfie is like being your own paparazzi. #Famous”

“If I had a dollar for every time I got distracted on social media, I wouldn’t need to work anymore.”

“My love life is like my Facebook News Feed, full of random people who I have no idea how they ended up there.”

“I don’t trust people who don’t have at least one social media platform. Are they even real?”

“Being unable to find WiFi is the modern equivalent of being stranded on a deserted island.”

“When someone comments ‘K’ on your social media post, it’s like they couldn’t even bother to finish a full thought.”

“The number of likes on my Instagram post is directly proportional to how lazy I am to eat leftovers.”

“I never feel more productive than when I’m scrolling through social media and reminding myself of all the things I should be doing.”

“I don’t always answer phone calls, but when I do, it’s because I accidentally answered instead of scrolling on social media.”

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but on social media, a picture is worth at least a hundred likes.”

“My social media profiles are a perfectly curated mix of the highlights of my life and the mundane reality of my existence.”

“Sometimes I wonder if my grocery list has more followers than me on social media.” SILLY QUOTES ABOUT SELF

“If you want to know what hell feels like, try managing multiple social media accounts while your phone battery is at 1%.”

“I never knew procrastination could be an Olympic sport until I discovered social media.”

“Being tagged in a photo is like playing social media Russian Roulette, hoping you look decent in it.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock, my phone constantly buzzing with social media notifications does the job perfectly.”

“I’ve reached a point where my Google search history is weirder than my social media posts.”

“I used to think the key to happiness was money, but now I realize it’s having a perfectly timed witty comment on social media.”

“There should be a social media platform solely for sharing pictures of food, so I don’t have to scroll through people’s vacation photos and political rants.”

“Sometimes I wonder if aliens are just sitting up there, watching our social media posts, and laughing at our stupidity.”

“Before social media, we had to work hard to embarrass ourselves in front of a large audience. Now, it’s as easy as clicking ‘post.'”

“I’m at a point in my life where my social media activity is more exciting than my actual life.”

“Whenever I see a notification pop up on my phone, I feel like a social media superstar… until I realize it’s just a Candy Crush invite.”

“Sometimes I like to pretend I’m a detective as I scroll through a stranger’s social media profile, putting together pieces of their life like a digital puzzle.”