“Every time you say goodbye to someone, you’re cutting off a possibility.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Loving someone was like moving into a house you’d built with your own hands. You knew every crack and every stone of it.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Sometimes you have to face the things that hurt you the most to become stronger.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“It’s enough for me to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“It’s not about finding someone who completes you. It’s about finding someone who inspires you to complete yourself.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you what you want. You have to go out and get it yourself.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Change is constant. How we handle change is what defines us.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect. You should expect it.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“It’s a funny thing, how much time we spend planning our lives. We so convince ourselves of what we want to do, that sometimes we don’t see what we’re meant to do.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“You just have to take that first step, even if it’s the longest and scariest one you’ve ever taken.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“People don’t leave when things are hard. They leave when it gets easier, because that’s when you stop needing them.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Friendships, like relationships, are based on trust. Without it, there’s nothing.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Just because something isn’t forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You POSITIVE COURAGE QUOTES

“You never knew when your life was going to change. But maybe that was a good thing.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Sometimes all you need is someone who believes in you, even if you don’t believe in yourself.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Holding onto something that’s not meant to be just prolongs your own pain.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“It’s so strange how life works: you want something and you wait and wait and feel like it’s taking forever to come. Then it happens and it’s over and all you want to do is curl back up in that moment before things changed.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“We don’t ever have to stop being friends, you know. You and me.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“In the end, you have to choose whether or not to trust someone. It’s not about what they say or do, it’s about what you decide to believe.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Everyone has scars. Just because they’re not physical doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you’re living.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“Life is short. Don’t waste any of it being unhappy.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“There comes a time when you realize that being kind and loving yourself is the most important thing you can do.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You