“The debtor should always remember that the creditor has a right to collect what they are owed.” – Unknown

“A promise made is a debt unpaid.” – Robert Service

“Owe no one anything, except to love each other.” – Romans 13:8

“When someone owes you money, it’s an indication that they value their wants over their responsibilities.” – Unknown

“The borrower is the servant of the lender.” – Proverbs 22:7

“A man who pays his debts is a man of integrity.” – Unknown

“Money is only as good as the person who owes it to you.” – Unknown

“An unpaid debt is like a bottle of poison that keeps getting bigger with time.” – Unknown

“Debt is the worst poverty.” – Thomas Fuller

“A debt paid is a friendship kept.” – Unknown

“Being owed money is like carrying someone else’s burden on your shoulders.” – Unknown

“Lending money is a risky business that can strain even the strongest of relationships.” – Unknown

“Always lend money with the expectation of not getting it back to avoid disappointment.” – Unknown

“Owing money doesn’t just affect your finances, it affects your character too.” – Unknown HARSH INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES

“A debt is like a thief that steals your peace of mind.” – Unknown

“When someone owes you money, it’s a constant reminder that they put their wants above your needs.” – Unknown

“Money owed is a prison that traps both the debtor and the creditor.” – Unknown

“Never lend money that you can’t afford to lose.” – Unknown

“The real cost of lending money is the damage it does to relationships.” – Unknown

“A debt forgotten is a friendship lost.” – Unknown

“When someone owes you money, it’s a constant reminder of their lack of responsibility.” – Unknown

“Debt is like a weight that hinders your ability to move forward.” – Unknown

“Money owed is a test of character for both the debtor and the creditor.” – Unknown

“A debt unpaid is a burden that weighs heavily on the soul.” – Unknown

“Lending money often turns friends into enemies.” – Unknown

“When someone owes you money, it’s a reflection of their lack of integrity.” – Unknown