“Merry ‘F—ing’ Christmas!” – Mr. Garrison

“Christmas isn’t about Santa Claus or Jesus or even about toys… It’s about the feeling you get when you give something to someone and they smile.” – Kyle

“Christmas is a time when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ.” – Sheila Broflovski

“If Jesus is born on Christmas, then how come all the songs are about Santa Claus?” – Stan Marsh

“Christmas is about presents, not people. And if you don’t buy presents for everyone you know and love, you’re a selfish a–hole.” – Randy Marsh

“Christmas is like a sexually transmitted disease; it infects everyone around you, then you all spread it to everyone else.” – Cartman

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick, even when you’re home.” – Chef

“Christmas is for giving, and I’m giving you both a nice big piece of my mind!” – Mr. Mackey

“I’m going to do everything I can to make this the best Christmas ever, even if it means ruining it for everyone else.” – Cartman

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick, even if you’re a kid stuck in the fourth grade.” – Kenny

“Santa Claus is just a fat man in a suit who sneaks into your house at night.” – Kyle

“The best Christmas present of all is having someone to share it with.” – Stan Marsh

“Christmas is supposed to be about being with the people you love, not about ripping them off.” – Wendy Testaburger BROKEN HEART CAN BE FIXED QUOTES

“I don’t know what the big deal is about Christmas. I slept through the whole thing last year, and I plan on doing the same this year.” – Butters Stotch

“Christmas is about family, and coming together as a family, and being a part of something bigger than yourself.” – Sharon Marsh

“Christmas is about love, and accepting people for who they are, not for who you want them to be.” – Mr. Hankey

“Christmas is a time to forgive and forget, unless you’re Jewish. Then, it’s just another day.” – Ike Broflovski

“Christmas is a time to be merry, and for me, that means drinking until I can’t feel feelings anymore.” – Randy Marsh

“Christmas is about the joy of giving, but I prefer the joy of receiving.” – Cartman

“Christmas is a time when people come together to celebrate the birth of Santa Claus.” – Timmy

“Christmas shouldn’t be about presents or material things. It should be about spending time with the people you care about.” – Bebe Stevens

“Christmas is the one time of year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, and we cheer a little more.” – Chef

“Christmas is about believing in something greater than yourself, like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.” – Clyde Donovan

“Christmas is a time for miracles, like the miracle of our lord and savior, Santa Claus.” – Father Maxi

“Christmas is a time to reflect on what really matters in life: presents, food, and avoiding your family.” – Kenny