“Spending time with God is not a waste of time; it is an investment in eternity.” – Rick Warren

“When you spend time with God, He fills your heart with peace that surpasses all understanding.” – Anonymous

“In the silence of stillness, we can hear God’s voice and feel His presence.” – Anonymous

“Time spent with God is never wasted. It is the best use of our time, for it brings us closer to Him and reveals His plans for our lives.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God each day is like charging our spiritual batteries, giving us the strength to face whatever comes our way.” – Anonymous

“When we spend time with God, our perspective shifts, and we see life through His eyes.” – Anonymous

“The more time we spend with God, the more we become like Him in our thoughts, words, and actions.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God in prayer is the key that unlocks the door to His blessings in our lives.” – Anonymous

“In the presence of God, we find true joy and peace that cannot be found anywhere else.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God allows us to experience His unconditional love and find our true identity in Him.” – Anonymous

“God longs to spend time with us, to hear our voices and share in our joys and sorrows.” – Anonymous

“Time spent with God is never wasted; it is an investment in our spiritual growth and relationship with Him.” – Joyce Meyer

“When we prioritize spending time with God, everything else in our lives falls into place.” – Anonymous QURAN BOOK QUOTES

“In the busyness of life, it is vital to make time for God, for it is in His presence that we find true rest.” – Anonymous

“When we spend time with God, He renews our strength and gives us the courage to face any challenge.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God is an invitation to growth, transformation, and deepening our faith.” – Anonymous

“God’s presence is like a refreshing fountain, and spending time with Him fills us with His living water.” – Anonymous

“The more we seek God, the more we find Him. Spending time with Him is the key to discovering His plans and purposes for our lives.” – Anonymous

“In the stillness of prayer and contemplation, we can hear God’s whispers and receive His guidance.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God enables us to align our desires with His and experience true fulfillment.” – Anonymous

“God treasures the time we spend with Him, for it shows our love, devotion, and desire to know Him intimately.” – Anonymous

“When we spend time with God, we are reminded of our worth and value in His eyes.” – Anonymous

“Spending time with God is like a compass that guides our steps and helps us navigate through life.” – Anonymous

“In God’s presence, we find healing, restoration, and an overwhelming sense of belonging.” – Anonymous