“I’m tired of being accused of things I didn’t do.”

“Normal people don’t dig holes in the middle of nowhere.”

“Maybe if I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.”

“At Camp Green Lake, we dig holes. We make up for our mistakes.”

“I’m not a bad kid. I just have bad luck.”

“Nothing comes easy in this world, especially not for me.”

“I’m not a Big Brave Kid. I never have been and never will be.”

“If only I had known the Warden was going to ask us to do the impossible, I’d have tried harder to dig a bigger hole.”

“Digging holes is just a part of life here, like breathing.”

“You can’t dig yourself out of a hole you didn’t dig.”

“Sometimes, you have to do things even if they’re hard.”

“I’ve learned from experience to keep quiet and let people think what they want.”

“I guess Stanley Yelnats is no more. You’re Caveman now.” GROUP FITNESS MOTIVATION QUOTES

“I was just trying to do the right thing, but it always seems to backfire.”

“Here, the past isn’t history, it’s current events.”

“I try to stay positive, but it’s hard in a place like this.”

“I feel like I’ve been trapped my whole life, but here it’s just more obvious.”

“I may not have the best luck, but I refuse to let it define me.”

“It’s hard to stay hopeful when all you see is dirt and despair.”

“In this crazy world, you just have to keep moving forward.”

“I have to believe that things will get better someday.”

“Sometimes, all you can do is keep your head down and keep going.”

“In a place like this, it’s hard to trust anyone.”

“No matter what happens, I won’t let this place break me.”