“Stay close to God, because the closer you are to Him, the farther you are from the world.” – Unknown

“When life gets difficult, stay close to God. He can guide you through any storm.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God and let Him guide your steps, for His ways are higher than our own.” – Unknown

“In the chaos of life, stay close to God. He is the anchor that holds us steady.” – Unknown

“When you feel lost, stay close to God. He will always lead you back to your purpose.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for in His presence there is peace, love, and joy that surpasses all understanding.” – Unknown

“When the world tries to pull you away from God, stay close to Him. He is your refuge and strength.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the source of all wisdom and understanding.” – Unknown

“In times of trouble, stay close to God. He is the light that will guide you out of darkness.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the one who can heal your broken heart and mend your spirit.” – Unknown

“When you face challenges, stay close to God. He will give you the strength to overcome.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for His love is unfailing and His grace is overflowing.” – Unknown

“In times of doubt, stay close to God. He will remind you of His promises and give you hope.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for His presence brings comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding.” – Unknown DAUGHTER IS THE BEST T QUOTES

“When you feel weak, stay close to God. He is the source of all strength and power.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the one who can turn your mess into a message and your test into a testimony.” – Unknown

“In times of temptation, stay close to God. He will provide a way out and give you the strength to resist.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is always with you.” – Unknown

“When you feel alone, stay close to God. He is the one who will never abandon you.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the only one who can satisfy the deepest longings of your soul.” – Unknown

“In times of confusion, stay close to God. He will give you clarity and direction.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the one who can turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into joy.” – Unknown

“When you face fear, stay close to God. He is the one who can calm your anxious heart.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for in His presence there is fullness of joy and everlasting peace.” – Unknown

“In times of uncertainty, stay close to God. He is the one who holds your future in His hands.” – Unknown

“Stay close to God, for He is the one who can transform your life and make all things new.” – Unknown

“When you feel overwhelmed, stay close to God. He is the one who can carry your burdens and give you rest.” – Unknown